
Outdoor Gear That is Made in America
American Made
Next time you are out shopping or browsing an online store, take a look at the tag or products details. You will notice that most say “Made in China” or maybe Taiwan, Mexico or even India. Though it is still rare, you might notice more and more products are saying “Made in America” again.
It does take a little more effort, but searching for that "Made in America" label has so many benefits! Listed below are just a few outlined by the Made in America Movement:
- Buying products made in the USA allows you to support not only American manufacturers but also American workers, safe working conditions, and child labor laws.
- Buying American Made products has a direct and positive impact on the American economy.
- Manufacturing processes in the United States are greener than the practices followed by other countries, so purchasing products made in the USA helps keep the environment a little more clean for future generations.
- Many countries have no minimum wage restrictions, but when you choose made in the USA products, you contribute to the payment of appropriate wages.
- America has strict consumer protection laws and safety standards unlike many other countries, so purchasing American Made products are in fact safer for you and your family.
Gear Made in the USA
You can find out which products are made in the United States on the Made in America Movement website. For the purpose of this blog post, though, we are going to go over our favorite outdoor products that are made in America. This way, you can gear up for next adventure knowing you have all the best equipment!
GO-KOT® America's Finest Camping Cot
GO-KOT® believes in the value of American made products, that is why since 1978, each and every GO-KOT® has been handmade right here in the USA! This is a 100% veteran owned small business based out of Springville, AL. Not only are the cots made in America, but it is constructed with only the best American raw materials available, to include: 1000-denier water-repellent nylon fabric, thick aluminum side poles, galvanized spring steel legs, and high-impact hinges.
Founded by a Green Beret, GORUCK is an American brand with Special Forces roots. This brand specializes in excellence, toughness, and adaptability. Jason McCarthy, founder and CEO of GORUCK, designs rucksacks, performance apparel, and footwear tough enough to survive special forces missions, as well as all things travel and adventure related. Their performance apparel is "proudly 0% cotton and 100% built in Spokane, Washington, USA," and the bags are hand-made in Bozeman, Montana or Colorado.
Darn Tough Vermont Socks
Darn Tough is a family owned business that has been knitting socks in Vermont for nearly 40 years. They say they make their socks in the USA not because it’s the easy thing to do, but because it’s the right thing to do. They state,"There are faster and cheaper alternatives but nobody ever outsourced anything for quality." They use only the best ethically sourced Merino Wool and make a sock for every activity! We personally highly recommend their hiking/trekking socks!
Western Mountaineering Sleeping Bags
Western Mountaineering is dedicated to providing the highest quality sleeping bags available anywhere through the use of the finest raw materials, meticulous designs and unsurpassed workmanship. Even after 30 years, they still remain a small independent company that holds true to its roots. They are a “hands on” company, with an “in the house” owner, and all of their sleeping bags are made in their factory in San Jose, CA.
Zpacks Ultralight Gear
Joe Valesko founded Zpacks out of his apartment in 2005 when he realized the need for ultralight outdoor gear. He has been designing and testing all of the company's gear ever since! A Triplecrowner, Valesko has over 10,000 long distance miles under his belt, including the Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, Continental Divide Trail, Te Araroa, Tour du Mont Blanc and much more. Zpacks has everything for your adventure needs, from shelters to clothing, all of which is sewn in their facility in West Melbourne, FL.
To find more great outdoor gear made in the USA, check out Gear Patrol!